
Getting started at JBLM CrossFit is easy, no matter your current state of physical fitness.

If you have never done CrossFit before, we strongly recommend you take part in our Foundations Class. This course is designed to introduce you to the training philosophy, methodology, and foundational movements inherent in the CrossFit program.

Foundations is broken down XXXXX one hour sessions. These classes are small, and designed around a group personal training model.

Each session is divided into three different parts. The first part is an interactive discussion about CrossFit’s methods, covering everything from fitness to nutrition to recovery. Some of the major topics we will cover include (but are not limited to):

- An explanation of CrossFit’s methods
- Discussions on what “fitness” actually means
- Information on proper nutrition and how it serves as the baseline for overall fitness
- How to become a part of this great community!

After the discussion portion, your coach will lead you through a warm-up, teach you a series of new movements, and provide one-on-one advice about your form and technique. We won’t turn you into a competitive Olympic lifter or all-star gymnast overnight, but we will teach you the fundamental movements you need to know in order to prepare your body for the major physical changes that are about to occur!

The final portion of each Foundations session is a group workout. These workouts will range from three minutes all the way to 20 minutes, focusing on everything from weightlifting, cardio, and gymnastics movements. The intent of these workouts is to reinforce the movement standards you learned that day and to prepare you to tackle the challenges of our regular classes!

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